Thursday 7 July 2011

Droid Revolution

Android Honeycomb

It seems there is a mobile revolution happening currently, where ubiquitous and decentralised private communications converge. Whilst both the Android and iPhone platforms are notorious for lacking privacy controls, the iPhone does have a vetted/restricted developer base 


The Android's development freedom, with the 'potential' to be less secure than the iPhone, does allow for more creative solutions to the problem. Over the past week, a number of very interesting Android projects have come to my attention:

  • - Although, the RedPhone link does not work, TextSecure seemed fairly interesting, particularly since it encrypts SMSs sent through SMSCs.
  • - Excellent suite which includes a TOR client for your droid!
  • - Provides a nice whitepaper on how public your IMEI and other personal details stored in your phone really are, and provides 'appfence' as a solution. I couldn't find a download at all?
  • - The most ambitious project so far. Something I have been talking about doing for many years now but the lack of java programmer friends with free time has not allowed me to pursue this further. Basically, its a p2p mesh-network voip/sip/Asterisk port to Java. 

It looks like things are looking up for droid users, and in the near future, it is very likely that droid security will surpass RIM Blackberry in providing a secure, private, mobile platform.

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